Monday, May 23, 2011

Indiana Governor Daniel’s head is cracked open by a gym door

Things are not looking so healthy in Indian’s health clubs.

head slam
Indiana's Governor Mitch Daniels got slammed in his forhead by the door of a fitness center. Apparently, after a workout at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, the governor was simply standing near a door when the door suddenly swung and slammed in his forehead. He was taken to Methodist Hospital where he was treated with 16 stitches.

According to Governor’s office he was concerned about the cost and wanted to make sure he will not be charged by the number of stitches. It is funny, that suddenly a republican forgets about heathcare and free market economy and is worried by health industry ripping him off.

It is incredible how quickly people began to talk sense after a good slap to the head.
The governor was also considering a Republican bid for presidential election in 2012. However, on May 22, Mitch Daniels declined presidential bid  He stated that he would not become a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination because of concerns from his family.

One has to wonder whether it was good slam by the gym door that brought Governor back to his senses. We will have to wait and see if health club doors in rest of the country act as aggressively as those in Indiana.