Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Denmark’s healthy problem - many bicycle riders

Copenhagen, Denmark is experiencing a healthy problem. It has too many people riding bicycles.

Copenhagen is known as one of the most bicycle-friendly city in the world. About 36% of the population commutes by cycling. The city offers a variety of conditions to facilitate this habit and aims to increase cycling population to 50% by 2015. This all sounds like a healthy and environment friendly trend. 
Bicycle parking

However, according to an article in Guardian, Copenhagen is running into a problem of its own and they even have cycling rush hour because of too many bike riders. Apparently, cycling in Copenhagen in the rush hour is not for sissies because it requires concentration  In rush hour, there are enormous numbers of cyclists fighting for space on Copenhagen's bike paths, which become cramped and packed.

The city is struggling to deal with its growing number of cyclists. It is already near-impossible to find cycling parking places near main stations and the cycling lanes, three to four meters wide, are buried beneath the scrum of cyclists going around the city.

Cycling advocates are working with the government to make cycling better and safer in Copenhagen. The suggestions include increasing the width and number of cycle paths and introducing multi-storey bike parking facilities. It is a challenging task but worth doing when you consider the beneficial impact of cycling and physical exercise on health and the environment

This is something for American couch potatoes to think about.