Thursday, December 9, 2010

China’s economic rise and obesity explosion

Obesity in China
China’s economy has been growing by leaps and bounds. The economic reforms have transformed the live of Chinese. Many are now richer and, also, bigger and fatter than they ever before.

Observers say that just a generation ago, hardly anyone was overweight in that country. Many Chinese people did not have enough to eat - some still do not – and millions of people are thought to have died in a famine in the early 1960s. The rising number of overweight Chinese people is, in part, the result of the country's remarkable economic growth over the last 30 years. Observers believe that a number of factors have contributed to this problem.

People's material lives have become a lot better as economy and the society has developed. Now, people have access to all kinds of food products. There's great variety and people can usually buy whatever they want to eat.

There is rise of processed food and supermarkets, and decreased physical activity as people move from the countryside to the cities. The result is people move to city and get fat.

China's faces obesity challenge
China's family planning policies have been blamed for the growing number of overweight children. Many families have just one child and, some say, the children are spoilt by parents. These children are used to eating whatever they want.

Some parents also blame China's education system, which puts little emphasis on sporting activities and exercise.

Also, there is 'Nowhere to exercise' because of very little public space in urban areas and even when there is you often cannot walk on the grass.

Obesity, in general, has been linked to a range of illnesses such as heart disease, and diabetes and cancer. These people are more liable to suffer from a range of illnesses, and are already putting pressure on China's healthcare system and on the society. Because of its large population, over 1 billion people, it will become a huge problem for China. According to a recent report there are now more than 90 million diabetics in China - about one in 10 adults. With this trend, China, the most populated country, is about to become the epicenter of diabetes on this earth.