Tuesday, December 7, 2010

European are getting fat

half of the Europeans are oveweight
According to a recently released Health at a Glance Europe 2010 report, by the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), over half of adults living in the European Union countries are now overweight or obese. The rate of obesity has more than doubled over the past 20 years in most EU member states.

Currently, one in seven children in the EU are overweight or obese and one of the reasons could be that only one in five children in the EU exercise regularly. Children who are obese or overweight are more likely to suffer from poor health later in life. It would be helpful to start the healthy habits from a young age.

The report covers the 27 European Union member states, three European Free Trade Association countries (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) and Turkey. Romania faired the best and UK the worst.

Ranking (Best to Worst)
1        Romania
2        Switzerland
3        Italy
4        Norway
5        Sweden
6        Netherlands
7        France
8        Denmark
9        Bulgaria
10    Austria
11    Poland
12    Germany
13    Belgium
14    Spain
15    Turkey
16    Portugal
17    EU
18    Cyprus
19    Finland
20    Slovenia
21    Slovakia
22    Latvia
23    Czech republic
24    Estonia
25    Greece
26    Hungary
27    Lithuania
28    Luxembourg
29    Iceland
30    Malta
31    Ireland
32    United kingdom (UK)