Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hollywood, Los Angeles County rank 28 in California health survey

Community health
Big names like Hollywood and Los Angeles are what people think when they are talking about California. However, big cities like these are not the best places in California when it comes to health issues.

A recent health report ranked the Los Angeles County, home to Hollywood, 28th, among 56 ranked counties. This was behind San Diego county (18) and San Franciso county (24). The first place went to Marin County in northern California. The report, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps for 2012 summarizes the state of health nationwide.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breast Cancer and Parabens connection

Breast cancer and parabens
The cosmetics and consumer products we use everyday may contain harmful chemicals. 

A recent research study examined women being treated for primary breast cancer. Breast cancer tissue samples form all 40 women examined found the presence of Parabens esters. 

Although it does not prove them to be the cause of cancer, it does suggests caution when it comes to using products containing these chemicals, parabens.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Facebook maybe bad for your body

Facebook fat people
Facebook is a craze, not a necessity. Now it seems, Facebook followers may be falling flat on their face and fat bodies. According to a report by The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt in Maryland, Facebook may be fueling the fire of Body and weight obsession. 

The Center’s survey found that a vast majority of Facebook users feel they are fat compared to the pictures of their friends on Facebook.