Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apple to put fitness center app in iPhone, iPod

There is a great news for health and fitness enthusiasts. It appears Apple may be developing an iPhone App for fitness.

It has been reported that Apple has filed a patent application for advanced fitness center App with social media components:

” On April 28, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals various aspects of a newly advanced Fitness Center App that they've been working on for some time now. While Apple's app is uniquely their own, they appear to be consulting with or at least including Nike into their program as one illustration lists "The Nike Training Club Class." Apple's Fitness Center App is well designed to cover all aspects of a workout including stats gathered from next generation smart equipment right down to the inclusion of a unique social networking component that will work within a particular fitness center or within your city limits to help you find a workout buddy and/or to stir on competition to get you motivated. Apple's new fitness center app is designed to work with your iPhone or iPod touch to provide you with realtime stats to keep you informed and on track.”