Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wisconsin man swallows 25,000 big macs in 40 years

Here is an accomplishment for the Americans can be proud of.
This month, one of our fellow Americans, Don Gorske, from Wisconsin, 
Don Gorske
eat his 25,000th Big Mac since he started eating burgers 39 years ago. That turns out to be 641a year and about 2 Big Macs a day if you ate it every day. You would think, one would get fed up eating this stuff everyday, but, no, you are wrong. Don says Big Mac is his favorite food and he looks forward to it every day. He has no intention of giving it up until the day he dies.

He started eating Big Mac on May 17, 1972 when he bought a new car and since than, in 39 years, he has missed big macs only on eight days. Don, 57, is a former prison guard and now has proudly retired.
Don entered into Guinness World Records three years ago after having consumed  23000 Big Macs. He also participated in the in the 2004 documentary ”Super Size Me”.

To honor Don’s loyalty, recently, McDonalds held a special ceremony in the town of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.