Friday, May 27, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger could have been cured by a head slam

head slam cure
Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, has been busy keeping him and his beloved family members in the news. This man lied to his wife, and even ‎lied to the voters of California for 10 years. He got into a public office for 7 years where he was in charge of making and implementing various laws, including crimes related to gender discrimination, protection of children, child care, and sexual improprieties. All this time he was covering up his misconducts while California sank into a debt of over $25 billion.

Recently, an interesting incident occurred in Indiana. The Governor Mitch Daniels required 16 stitches to his head. Apparently, after a workout at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, the governor was standing near a door when the door suddenly swung and slammed in his forehead. As a result, two interesting thing happened to Daniels:

Arnold on weed
Apparently, at the hospital, Daniels was concerned about the cost and wanted to make sure he will not be charged by the number of stitches. Basically this guy, Mitch Daniels, was worried that he will be ripped off by the health care industry. This is despite the facts that, when it comes to pain to average Americas, the republicans  always insist that, government is not required and, the heath care costs will be taken care by the free market economy

Second, on May 22, Mitch Daniels declined his republican presidential bid  for 2012 election citing concerns from his family.

One has to wonder whether Arnold Schwarzenegger could have been brought to his senses years ago if he would have gotten a treatment similar to what happened to Mitch Daniels in an Indiana gym. In such a scenario, Schwarzenegger would not have run for a public office and saved a lot of pain to his family and to people of California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger,  spent a lot time in the gyms mastering his improper conducts. It seems like he never got slammed in the head that would have brought him to his senses. I guess, in California, they don’t make gym doors as productive as they are in Indiana these days.