Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 lies about Senate Food Safety Bill S. 510

The Food Safety Modernization Act, S.510 has the potential for turning into the Patriot Act for food as it can have devastating affects on farmers and small businesses. It would hand vast powers, similar to what we are witnessing with TSA’s scanning at the airports, and funding to the FDA in the hope that it can clean up the food supply and protect all Americans from food-borne pathogens.

According to Mike Adams, the Natural News, it's all a big lie. He has listed ten lies that have been promoted about S.510 by the U.S. Congress, lobbyists for the food industry giants and the mainstream media:

1 - Most deaths from food poisoning are caused by fresh produce
         Fact: By far the majority of food poisoning is caused by the consumption of spoiled processed foods, dead foods and animal-human transmission of pathogens.

2 - Under S.510, the FDA would only recall products it knows to be contaminated.

         Not true. S.510 merely requires the FDA to have "reason to believe" a food is contaminated.
        Fact is the U.S. Senate removed the requirement that the FDA needed "credible evidence" in order to recall a product and, instead, replaced that with the FDA only needing "reason to believe."

3 - They didn't tell you that nearly 70% of grocery store chickens are contaminated with salmonella every day

4 - S.510 will exclude and protect small farmers

5 - The FDA needs more power to enforce food safety

6 - Fresh produce is contaminated because of a lack of paperwork

7 - The American people are dying in droves from unsafe fresh food

8 - The FDA just wants to make food "safer"
9 - Food smuggling is a huge problem in America

10 - S.510 will make America's food supply the safest in the world