Saturday, February 18, 2012

Los Angeles Beaches will allow Football and Frisbee play

Los Angeles beach play
Los Angeles beaches are visited by 50-70 million people per year. You can enjoy the beaches but a 40 year old law banned throwing balls and playing sports on the beach. The original ordinance was intended to prevent injuries to bystanders from playing objects.

On January 31, 2012, Los Angeles County has revised that ordinance. The revised Ordinance does not ban footballs, soccer balls, or Frisbees. Instead, it provides a set of guidelines for safe ball playing at the beach.

According to Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, the new ordinance will allowFootball play, Frisbee and other ball play during the off-peak beach season. During the busy summer months,  lifeguards have the authority to stop a game if it threatens safety in crowded areas of the beach.
 “Beachgoers may throw, kick, or roll any ball or light object on L.A. County beaches during the offpeak season between Labor Day and Memorial Day as long as persons or property are not endangered, and may do so year-round in established and/or designated areas or if they receive permission from the Department of Beaches and Harbors or a lifeguard.

Violation Fines
Violation of the ball-playing codes is punishable by a fine:
(1) one hundred dollars ($100) for a first violation;
(2) two hundred dollars ($200) for a second violation of the same ordinance within one year;
(3) five hundred dollars ($500) for each additional violation of the same ordinance within one year.
