Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Roseanne Barr, the Presidential candidate, on food, fitness, health and well being

Roseanne Barr
Roseanne Barr is running for president as a Green Party candidate. Roseanne, 60, is known as a comedian. However, most people may not know that Roseanne is very thoughtful and eloquent and actively blogs on a variety of issues.

Here are a few gems from Roseanne as related to the subject of food, fitness, health and general well being:

I feel great for a fat, cranky, old, left-leaning Jewish grandmother.

I will also stop each war immediately and invest in farming the breadbasket of the world, the good old usa.

The public schools are in a shambles of bullyism, and at the mercy of profit-making sociopaths.
(On the food industry, and schools that hawk candy and soda to kids)

I had my entire digestive system removed, so I should look thinner!
I still can't find any clothes to fit in LA because everyone's a size zero, but I do feel good.  (on losing weight from 260’s Lbs to 120’s Lbs.)

Nips and tucks are OK if people feel they want to do that. It comes from feeling insecure though ... it's like a walking ad for "insecure."
(On plastic surgery)

Do you have any vices?
Many. They start with cheese, Godiva ....

Do you have a health hero?
Whoever discovered the cacao tree.

If you had to choose one person, past or present, to share a hospital room with during a long recovery, whom would you pick, and why?
[The famous baker] Marie Callender. One word: PIE!!

our 'government' (ponzi scheme) makes healthy eating illegal!:

one week til 2011!hurray!!
resolutions: no more controversial blogging, lose weight, stop drinking.
For civil libertarians, the NDAA is our Mayan moment. 2012 is when the nation embraced authoritarian powers with little more than a pause between rounds of drinks. So here is a resolution better than losing weight this year . . . make 2012 the year you regained your rights.

Baby boomers do not want to go and are stubbornly holding on for dear life -- no matter the cost, no matter the effect -- after screwing everything up totally for their kids and grandkids ... it's the total psychopath generation.  (on baby boomers growing old)

As a president, I will forgive all student loans and give free health care, and legalize pot, and stop the war on drugs.  I will let every first time drug offender out of prison and in their place put in a mortgage lender who tricked hard working people.  this is my new slogan:  "vote for me I'll fix this shit!"  Barr 2012

Republicans want to cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids. (Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP's War on Women)

Poor women know how to get things done well, and on the cheap. They know how to stretch that dollar. In America, for speaking truth, women are called Bitches. I seek for next Mother's Day, a march of One Million American Bitches who can get the job done--the job of getting the food to the hungry kids in this country and thereby creating real wealth.

charlie sheen: I am helping you get your show back bro!
All you need to do is stay off crack.  You do not need AA, either.  I will teach you the meditation to dull cravings for dope--but you will gain a lot of weight.  It will be much better when actors start getting fat---trust me I know this!  The fat are the hottest of the hot because we are not on dope and so can think up original ways to get down in the 'exy-say' department.

In order for that society to be a healthy and productive..we must make sure that things do not go backward for our grandchildren, or their mothers, or their mothers mothers or their own grandchildren.  Women are the light of the world and we must get up off of our too fat asses and start fixing problems right now before we are dead--no women will ever be allowed this chance again, if we do not.  elect me!  I'm a strong and smart woman--I'm no HO!  vote pour moi! 2012!

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the mormons). They are a righteous group of folks.  Their church is based on socialist principles...ten percent off the top from all for the work of the church--(communist thinking).  As a result, they are able to supply their church members with cradle to the grave protection, a vast social safety net that guarantees protection for all.  If you are hungry, come to Zion, SLC Utah, and join the righteous Mormon Church. I also encourage all the suffering US indian tribes to join the Mormon church too--you will be well cared for!   
As soon as the mormons begin to share their wealth with the poor American people, the faster the US government will be encouraged by the Romney-ites to supply single payer health care, trust me.  As soon as Walmart has to pay the health care of its employees, the faster they will instruct the Congress to pass universal health care.  

There is evidence to suggest that marijuana cures leukemia and many other illnesses.  I did a small movie/sketch with Malcolm McDowell where I played "Connie Cancer" to his "Kurt Cannabis".  the title is "marijuana cures cancer". THC is A G0DLY CHEMICAL. 

I knew at a young age that I loved being the center of attention, singing and dancing and making my family laugh and lifting their spirits--that way I could avoid having to talk to them almost completely. They were hairy and smelled like herring, garlic, and onions, and shrieked at each other in loud shrill tones.But they were a great audience, and to me, that pretty much made up for the fact that I had to be around them all the time.