Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Citrus fruits cut stroke risk – It is not a lemon deal

citrus fruit
We have heard the saying, when you get lemon make lemonade.  Recent reports suggest that may not be necessary. A research study published in the Journal Stroke indicates that the citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit) may reduce the risk of stroke.

The study, a joint effort of researchers at Harvard (USA) and Norwich Medical School, Norwich, UK, studied and analyzed data from 69 622 women over 14
years for risk of ischemic, hemorrhagic, and total stroke.
The study found that Citrus fruits/juices, the main source of flavanones, were associated with a reduced risk for ischemic stroke. The data concluded that the cardio protective properties of citrus fruits was due to its flavanone content. 

This study was done on women and further research will be needed to confirm whether these fruits will benefit both men and women.
