Saturday, March 10, 2012

Coke, Pepsi recipes and cancer warning for 4-MEI

Coke, Pepsi
Coke and Pepsi caramel coloring contains a chemical, 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI), that is a potential carcinogen.

4-MEI has been known to cause cancer in laboratory mice and rats and could be potentially risky to humans as well. 

State of California has included this chemical, 4-MEI, in the list of carcinogens. California Prop 65 law requires that a product label should warn consumers if it contains a substance that is known to cause cancer. In January 2012, Brazilian Blowout, a hair care products company, paid $600,000 in a settlement over such labeling issues in California.
Coke and Pepsi claim there is no evidence that this chemical causes cancer in humans and that nobody around the world, other than California, is concerned about the risks of 4-MEI  present in caramels,

To get around California’s warning label requirements, Coke and Pepsi have modified drink recipes which will now contain less 4-MEI. The recipes are being changed for the entire U.S. but it will not change in Europe.

One would think Coke and Pepsi, with their vast resources, would be motivated to research and formulate recipes that completely eliminate controversial ingredients from their products.
