Monday, March 5, 2012

Los Angeles Doctor charged with murder for prescribing drugs

Prescription drug death
Prescription drugs, especially pain killers, are addictive and deadly killers. A number of Celebrity deaths have brought to light the danger of prescription drugs. 

Most recently, it was Whitney Houston and before that Michael Jackson who died due to prescription drugs. Michael Jackson’s doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to four years in prison.

Now, Los Angeles County District Attorney has filed murder charges against a doctor for over prescribing drugs like Xanax and OxyContin,
Vicodin, Soma and Adderall.  If convicted, she could face prison term of 45 years to life.

Dr. Hsui-Ying "Lisa" Tseng, 42, called Dr. Feelgood, from Los Angeles suburb of Rowland Heights is accused of prescribing drugs without proper examination of patient’s history and condition that led to death of three young men in their 20’s. Dr. Lisa Tseng wrote an average of 25 prescription a day, totally about 27,000 prescriptions over a three-year period.

She was initially investigated in 2008 by the California Medical Board and the DEA which led to suspension of her license to write prescriptions in 2010. She had also surrendered her license to practice medicine.

I think the more important issue is the drugs themselves. There is nothing sacred about prescription drugs which cause a variety of undesirable side effects and often death. Prescription drugs are known to cause more deaths in the United States than automobile accident. In some cases they do save lives but, more often, they are mean of fat profit for the drug companies who often hold monopoly on these drugs.

The best thing people can do is to cultivate basic simple healthy living habits and, hopefully, not get to a stage where they are compelled to any medication.

USA Today