Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy 100 birthday to Mr. Universe, Manohar Aich

Manohar Aich, 100 birthday
An Indian man, Manohar Aich, celebrated his 100th birthday in March, 2012. 

The man is only 4 foot 11 inches tall but he was a body builder and won the title of Mr. Universe in 1952. At age 100, he still got muscles but no teeth.

Manohar Aich credits his longevity to his ability to stay tension free during difficult times. In addition, he maintains a simple diet of vegetables, fruits, milk, fruits, rice, lentils and fish. He never smoked nor drank alcohol.

Aich comes from Bengal province of Eastern India. He was attracted to exercising as a school boy. His body building passion was encouraged by British military officers after he joined Royal Air Force in 1942 when India was ruled by Britain. 

However, after a few years he was thrown in a prison by the Brits when he protested against British colonial rule. It was inside the prison that he really started working on body building, exercising up to 12 hours day. He was released from the prison in 1947 when India got independence from the British rule.

Manohar Aich went on to win the body building titles of Mr. Hercules (1950) and Mr. Universe (1952). His only regret is that he never got to meet another Mr. Universe winner, Arnold Schwarzenegger.