Friday, March 9, 2012

Lytro camera does not require focusing

Lytro camera

Video - Lytro camera

Health and fitness enthusiast will find use for a new interesting and handy camera. Lytro, introduced by Mountain View, California based company.

Lytro is a small, compact camera, known as the first Light Field Camera because it captures the entire light field as opposed to single light field in the traditional cameras.

Small, cube shaped
Point and shoot, single button camera
Regular parts of a camera has been replaced by software
Does not require focusing at the time picture is taken
You can rocus and re-focus, anywhere in the picture, afterwards in the computer

In 3 colors
For Mac computer only (at this time)
Sold only at Lytro’s web site

Red Hot           $499  |  750 Pictures - 16GB
Graphite          $399  |  350 Pictures - 8GB
Electric Blue   $399  |  350 Pictures - 8GB

Lytro, Inc.
200 West Evelyn, Suite 120
Mountain View, CA, 94041
Phone: 650-316-8888