Sunday, March 4, 2012

Iowa law to criminalize documentation of animal abuses

animal cruelty
Iowa legislation has passed a bill, House File (H.F.) 589, which would prevent private citizens from documenting (filming or photographing) a farm without the farmer’s consent. 

The bill supported by the big agricultural concerns is aimed at preventing undercover work that would expose animal abuses in the factory-farming industry. The idea is to keep consumers from knowing abuses taking place in the industry. In the past such exposure by animal rights activists has led to conviction for abuse or neglect of factory-farmed animals.

This bill is designed to create a firewall around factory farming so that their cruel business practices cannot be brought to consumers’ attention.

In a way it is similar to the tactic used by the police and the government official to suppress “Occupy Wall Street Movement” where the protestors are being charged with a criminal act for video taping police without permission from the law enforcement.

The Iowa bill is waiting to be signed by the Governor Terry Branstad. If someone wants to urge the governor to veto H.F. 589, he can be contacted by clicking here.

PETA: Animal Abuse Will Be Illegal to Film in Iowa